Monday, September 22, 2008

Donations are now being accepted...

Well, it finally happened yesterday. My computer bit the big one (can I have a small rendition of Taps please?). Not only did it bite the big one, but just before it did, I told my husband that I really needed to backup my files and pictures because I hadn't done it in a while. Word to the wise, if you say or think something like that, always act on it immediately. Anyway, I'm taking it in to see if there is anything that can be done but I may just have to bite the bullet and get a new one which was not, up until now, on my priority list. For now, I will have to share a computer with my husband so I may be a bit quiet for a while. Donations for my new computer can be made out to Katie Vaughan. Thank you for your support.


the mccann clan said...

Bummer! We'll miss you while you're gone, and hopefully they'll be able to save some of your files! My sympathies.

Well, I'm off to back-up my files now... ;o)

Kayla said...

Hmm...I guess that new camera you wanted may need to be put on hold? I hope they can save everything!

Shauna said...

Soryy your computer died!